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Orlando Pedroso

Orlando Pedroso


Orlando Pedroso, from São Paulo, was born on February 14, 1959.
In 1978, he published for the first time, at the time of the political redemocratization in Brazil, in the newspaper “Em Tempo”.
Illustrator and graphic artist, he collaborated with the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo from 1985 to 2011 and with publications in the mainstream press such as Veja, Vip, Você S/A, Playboy, Exame, Capricho, as well as illustrations and covers for publishers such as Moderna, Ática , Senac, Global, Nova Cultural, Ediouro, Melhoramentos, Salamandra and Sesi.
He is the co-author of the Doctors of Joy’s “Livro dos segundos socorros” in addition to having been responsible for the creation of their communication pieces for 14 years.
In 1997, he exhibited at the Espaços Unibanco de Cinema in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro the drawings of “How the devil likes it” and in 2001, at Espaço Ophicina, in São Paulo, “Olha o Passarinho!”.
In 2007, he brought 28 unpublished drawings to Galeria Calligraphia in São Paulo in the exhibition “Uns Desenhos” and 37 in “Ôtros Desenhos” as a parallel show at the Piracicaba Humor Salon.
Also in 2007, he was the artist honored at the FIQ – Belo Horizonte International Comics Festival.
In 2008 he celebrated 30 years in the profession with a great retrospective at the Salão de Humor de Piracicaba.
In 2015 he was patron of the Sertãozinho Book Fair.

He has illustrated more than 60 children’s books and is co-author of “Não quero dormir”, a finalist for the 2007 Jabuti Prize in the “Illustration” and “Best Book” categories.
He is the author of the children’s “Vida simples” and “Uêba!”, both by Editora Global.
In 2002, he organized the comic book album “Dez na área, um na banheira e ninguém no gol”, released by Via Lettera.
In 2006 he released the book Moças Finas with 84 unpublished drawings, in 2011, the book “Árvores” and in 2017 “Gordinhas”, all independent by Editora Fantasma.
In 2014, he released “Filosofias baratas me são as mais caras”, also a finalist for the Jabuti Award, by Editora Global.

hqmix award for best illustrator of 2001, 2005 and 2006.
President of the 16th and 17th hqmix in 2003 and 2004.
He is a member of the board of directors of SIB-Sociedade do Ilustradores do Brasil.
For SIB – Sociedade de Ilustradores do Brasil, he organized for 10 years the event IlustraBrasil!, the largest discussion forum on printed design in Latin America.

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